
Welcome to this special guest issue of ContentED, from Gail Mellors, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader at Nottingham Trent University.

Gail runs the BA Broadcast Journalism course and has spent most of her career as a reporter, presenter and producer for ITV, before that working in commercial radio. Gail originally trained as a journalist working for a number of regional and national titles within the former Northcliffe newspaper group.
As a busy working mum-of-three, and a self-confessed news junky, I like to enjoy content mainly for entertainment, during the few minutes a week a get to myself to relax.  But I also seek out stuff which will help me navigate the demands of life, whilst keeping my sanity and retaining a little bit of a sense of humour.

Discover Gail's full list of recommendations below for clever, helpful and joyful content! Thank you, Gail!

Got a recommendation to share? Get in touch with us.

(Some recommendations may include explicit and/or triggering content)
Instagram | Yoga Tips
I'm always on the look out for quick, easy and effective exercise programmes which can be done at home, I'm enjoying the Yoga Tips channel on Instagram. If I'm able to follow along and feel the benefit then anyone can...
Image: Instagram
Explore here
Prime Video | This Is Us
I may have been late to the party but I'm loving the series 'This is Us'. It chronicles the story of three triplets, their parents and their wider family, through the decades. It's family life in all of its complex and heartbreaking glory. It may be a bit Americanised for some, but, I'm so invested in these characters, I've become addicted... and have just discovered there's a Podcast with the cast.
Image: Prime Video
This is Us | Season 1 Trailer | FOX Home Entertainment
Watch now
Audible | The Anxious Generation
The Anxious Generation - How the great Rewiring of Childhood is causing an epidemic of Mental illness, by Jonathan Haidt. This book examines the phenomenon of the digital and age and how life online is impacting our younger generation. An essential read for all parents, educators and politicians, I would argue!
Image: Audible
Listen now
Podcast | The News Agents Daily
The News Agents (daily) with Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall, three of the country's most accomplished journalists, lifting the lid, providing analysis and insights, on the biggest stories of the day. 
Image: Spotify
Q&A Special: Your questions answered a week on from the General Election | The News Agents
Listen here
Facebook | JOE.co.uk
My guilty pleasure is the Joe.co.uk page. Some of the content, these days, is a little over-sensationalised just to get the likes and views, but I've loved a lot of the cleverly produced satirical videos in the past. "Common People" - a spoof of Pulp's iconic hit with a super-imposed Jacob Rees-Mogg is still an absolute classic!
Image:  Facebook
Jacob Rees-Mogg’s message for the Common People
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We'd love to hear any recommendations you have and please let us know if you would like to edit your own guest issue of ContentED.

Enjoy your weekend! 
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