Use 360 video to get international sales

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

When your prospective customers are located all over the world it can create additional challenges to secure sales. Technology has made it easy to talk to people in other countries – even face-to-face – but sometimes you can’t beat giving your customers an experience to convince them of your strengths. Reach your international customers with 360 video and custom branded VR cardboard viewers.

An Integrated Marketing Solution

Earlier this year we helped Stone Group overcome this problem as part of an integrated marketing campaign we completed for them. They know that their warehouse tour is a real selling point for potential customers, but location means is it isn’t possible to bring everyone onsite for this experience.

To help them reach out to the customers further afield we created a 360 video of the warehouse, which could be accessed online from anywhere in the world. In order to maximise the video’s impact we created custom branded VR cardboard viewers for it to be seen through. This included text that directed people to a dedicated landing page where they can access the tour.

Custom Branded VR Cardboard Viewers

Video MarketingCustom Branded VR Cardboard Viewers for Stone GroupThe innovative, yet extremely simple viewers require the user to insert their own smart phone into the design to watch the film on through the special lenses contained within. The technology we use to create the 360 video then means that not only can they navigate their way around the warehouse by turning their head, but it feels completely immersive – almost like virtual reality. All from the comfort of their own desk, where ever that may be in the world.

“The branded viewers were really popular at our events – they created a talking point and created a buzz around our stand. They were great quality and showed our brand and video off in a really creative way.”
Charli Parkes, Stone Group

Longer Lasting Marketing Material

The viewers are the ideal size and shape to be able to send through the post, and we also designed a flat-pack version that can be given away at exhibitions and sales meetings. As fun phone apps that can be used with the viewer are available for general download, it makes them a clever piece of marketing material that won’t just go straight in the bin. It will keep your brand hanging around on people’s desk, and see it get shared with other people.

If you want to find out more about what 360 video could do for your business, get in touch.