Case study: Showcasing North Yorkshire County Council’s ‘No Wrong Door®’

Thursday, August 27th, 2020

We’ve created two inspiring new animations showcasing North Yorkshire County Council’s award-winning ‘No Wrong Door®’ model. The No Wrong Door Team have been been recognised in the New Years Honours List 2021 earning key staff MBEs for services to children.

The powerful stories of ‘Maria’  and ‘Travis’ are used to highlight this innovative way of supporting young people who are cared for, or on the edge of care.

The first of two videos features teenager, Maria.

No Wrong Door® replaces traditional children’s homes with hubs which offer in-house multi-disciplinary support to these young people. We were asked to produce two videos by the Central Delivery Team to raise awareness and enhance training on this groundbreaking approach. 

The animated story of Maria introduces this approach to supporting adolescents through a real, relatable and engaging narrative. 

The second animation juxtaposes two potential paths which Travis may take. The traditional route of entering a residential care home, versus the No Wrong Door® route.

We worked closely with the No Wrong Door® team to create bold, engaging and gritty animations which really packed a punch.

The videos will be used by the team, to educate council staff and help implement this model in local authorities across the UK and beyond. 

Janice Nicholson, Strategic Lead for No Wrong Door® says:

“The communication, ideas generated and end products have far surpassed expectations.

We want to say thank you for your support with developing a unique and challenging subject matter into something innovative, eye-catching and inspiring. We are really pleased with it and feel that it captures the essence of our risk management approach so well and helps us share a culture and practice that benefits vulnerable young people such as ‘Maria’ and ‘Travis’.

Again, thanks so much to your team for delivering this in a timely way, you have been a pleasure to work with and we already know it will be impactful in helping us deliver our key messages about thinking differently around supporting adolescents who are experiencing challenges in their lives.”

If you would like to bring your story to life with animation, get in touch today.