ContentED Issue #113

Friday, May 17th, 2024

Welcome to our latest bulletin, ContentED.

Each week we curate a selection of content from across the digital landscape to share with you. This isn’t work, it’s play, but we’re firm believers in the power of great content in helping to shape lives and society in the most interesting and unexpected ways.

In Issue #113 we’re inspired by #NationalWalkingMonth. Walking is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy and connect with our communities. With 20th – 24th May ‘Walk to School Week’, check out all of the ways you can get involved and share by using #magicofwalking.

Explore cities and pub walks, take in imaginary landscapes and watch the most unlikely of pilgrimages – all in this week’s #ContentED.

Want to tell us about your recommendations?  Get in touch with us!

ContentED Issue #113

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