ContentED Issue #129

Friday, September 6th, 2024

Welcome to our latest bulletin, ContentED.

Each week we curate a selection of content from across the digital landscape to share with you. This isn’t work, it’s play, but we’re firm believers in the power of great content in helping to shape lives and society in the most interesting and unexpected ways.

Welcome to ContentED Issue #129 – just in time to kick off your weekend!

From uncovering small-town corruption to the podcast with no rules. You can also enjoy some thrilling new talent on Audible, and you won’t want to miss the latest from the world’s biggest rock band.

Plus, Greek mythology with a fresh, contemporary twist on Netflix.  Let us know what you think of this week’s lineup!

Knights of Cydonia – Muse, played by 1,000 musicians | Rockin’1000

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