5 steps: How to create a great promotional video for your school

Monday, April 23rd, 2018

Video should be one of the most important components of any school’s marketing communications. It reaches out to parents and prospective students in a way that words can’t.

In order to produce a video which is creative, engaging and packs a punch all you need to do is follow these 5 simple steps…

Know your brief

What do you want from your video? Are you simply conveying information? Are you promoting your school’s values? Or do you want to drive admissions? Think carefully and plan what you want to get across. You will also need to brief any interviewees about your key messages before filming.

Tell a story

It’s true. Telling a story is a much more effective way of engaging an audience than banding around stats and figures. It’s also much more likely to be remembered if it’s conveyed in a narrative. Like watching a movie.

Say something different

What can’t be conveyed in a prospectus, a website or an email campaign is emotion. Take the opportunity to say something different in your video. Use engaging content which will really resonate with your audience on a human level.

Use your students

They’re your strongest asset. Make sure you use your most passionate and enthusiastic students (and staff!) to reinforce your key messages. Using students will help appeal to those students watching the video.

Keep it short

We hear this time and time again. Keep it short. This will encourage viewers to watch and digest the full video. When 60% of users stop watching videos after 2 minutes, you need to make sure it’s snappy.

Here’s some we made earlier…

If you’re looking for a full service video production company to help your school or college with an upcoming project, please get in touch today for a no obligation quote.