Why people click out of videos

Monday, June 21st, 2021

Live Streaming

People watch an average of 16 hours of online video per week, a 52% increase in the last two years. Naturally, a huge percentage of this is video for entertainment (who doesn’t need a bit of escapism every now and then) but video marketing makes a significant contribution to this. 

Video is a vital component of any successful marketing strategy, and done right — drives real results for the B2C and B2B sectors.

There are lots of things to consider when it comes to producing video content and creating a new video should always form part of a video marketing strategy aligned to your organisation’s wider marketing and communications objectives.

That said, there are things that you should and shouldn’t do to help you achieve maximum audience engagement and retention every time you create a new piece of content. What’s the point in making a three minute video for your audience to click out after forty seconds?

Here, we explore some of the main reasons people click out of videos along with some top tips for making a video that people want to watch til the end.

Reason #1 The video wasn’t attention grabbing

One of the single biggest complaints from those who don’t watch a video until the end is that it’s not engaging enough. The first 8 seconds of any video is really importing in hooking in your audience. Content that fails to get and keep audiences’ attention usually flops. Some topics are harder to convey in an entertaining way but, it’s always important to adopt a story-telling approach for any video. Always think about how you can keep your audience watching. What would motivate you?

Reason #2 The video was too long

Another key reason people don’t see a video through to the end is that it’s too long. Life’s busy and we can only pay attention for so long. Whether it’s watched on a break, during a commute or in a waiting room, video needs to be concise and to the point. If a video is drawn out and feels like it’s “going nowhere” it’ll be discarded. Take note of where your viewers drop off in your statistics. Can you optimise the length of your video to improve this?

Reason #3 The video wasn’t helpful

More often than not in B2C and B2B environments people watch videos to learn about a topic, product or service. As well as grabbing their attention, video content should always provide value to its audience. If you want people to stick around until the end then your content needs to be relevant, helpful and compelling.

Reason #4 The video wasn’t what it promised

Another reason often cited from people abandoning a video is that it wasn’t delivering what was promised. If the content of a video doesn’t match its title and description then audiences will simply stop watching because it wasn’t what they were expecting. If you want to retain your audience then it’s important to be honest and not include any misleading content. To promote your own credibility…it needs to do exactly what it says on the tin.

Reason #5 The video was boring

Whatever your content, it needs to be communicated in a fresh and engaging way. A three minute talking head isn’t going to cut it. When someone feels visually bored with a video they disengage. Having the right people on your video is key, whether it’s a presenter, happy customer or a brand ambassador. In addition, the look and feel of all video content can be enhanced using transitions, music and sounds, b-roll or stock footage as well as graphics and animation. All of these can help you achieve the right tone and pace.

If you can keep audience retention and watch time high, you’ll rank much better in online search results and really grow your audience to keep them coming back for more.

If you would like to discuss a video project with us, we’d love to help. Get in touch today.

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