Celebrating our Passion for Content with 100 Issues of ContentED

Monday, February 19th, 2024

We’re all about great content here at Janno Media and we love helping our clients engage, inform and inspire.

We also love celebrating those who are passionate about creating content. When our Founder, Matt, came up with the concept of ContentED, little did he know it would evolve into what it has today.

Driven by a passion for content creation, Matt wanted Janno Media to curate a diverse array of digital content for others to enjoy week in and week out.

2nTwo podcast

Anjy Olosunde | 2nTwo Podcast

Every Friday evening, we select five content gems for our audience to explore over the weekend. From podcasts and Audible books to YouTube channels, Insta highlights, live streams, and must-watch TV shows.

Enter Issue #1 of ContentED, which featured Amanda Knox’s Labryinths podcast, Harry Mack’s Insta, the Storror YouTube channel, a memoir by Red-Hot Chili Pepper’s Flea, and TV’s After Life.

Fast forward almost two years, and we’ve shared five hundred pieces of content, marking our 100th issue of ContentED. From themed editions highlighting Black History Month and Mental Health Awareness to brilliant guest edits from our network, we’ve treated our ever-growing audience to a huge amount of great content.

Through sharing this content, we’ve had the pleasure of connecting with featured content creators like Digger Dawn, Harvey Rides Bikes, and Shaun Campbell from the Arthur Wharton Foundation on our Janno Signal podcast, highlighting the ripple effect of powerful content.

To make Issue #100 special, we invited the talented Anjy Olosunde, winner of the 2023 Janno Media Award and creator of the 2nTwo podcast, to share her top content recommendations over video. A big shoutout to Anjy for taking the time to do this.

Take a look at our celebratory video to explore Anjy’s brand new podcast and to dig into ContentED Issue #100.

A heartfelt thank you to all our guest editors over the past two years. If you’re passionate about great content and want to curate your own edit, get in touch.  All we need are those all-important links, and you’re good to go.

Here’s to another one hundred issues of inspiring content!