ContentED Issue #100
Welcome to our latest bulletin, ContentED.
Each week we curate a selection of content from across the digital landscape to share with you. This isn’t work, it’s play, but we’re firm believers in the power of great content in helping to shape lives and society in the most interesting and unexpected ways.
To celebrate we have an extra special video guest edition from 2023 Janno Media Award recipient, Anjy Olosunde.
The Janno Media Award was established to provide an opportunity for students to explore podcasting ambitions, whilst giving back to the Nottingham Trent University community that played such a vital role in the personal and professional development of Janno Media Founder, Matt Wallace.
Anjy has used the award funds to create her exciting new podcast series 2nTwo. See more on that below as Anjy walks us through her favourite comedy, YouTube obsession and one of her fave films of all time.
(Some recommendations may include explicit content)