ContentED Issue #125

Friday, August 9th, 2024

Welcome to our latest bulletin, ContentED.

Each week we curate a selection of content from across the digital landscape to share with you. This isn’t work, it’s play, but we’re firm believers in the power of great content in helping to shape lives and society in the most interesting and unexpected ways.

Welcome to Issue #125 of ContentED. Mark Wiens’ YouTube channel is perfect for food and travel enthusiasts – offering a delightful cultural feast with each episode. Hidden Figures tells the inspiring story of three African-American women at NASA who were pivotal in launching astronaut John Glenn into orbit and We Play Games, is an Audible exclusive featuring Billie Piper and Dan Stevens.

Discover more below and let us know your thoughts by sharing your own recommendations—we’d love to hear from you!

ContentED Issue #125

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